Plants may require repotting into a 5” or 6” pot after one or more seasons if it is a larger cultivar or one that produces offshoots. However, if you do choose the west, you’ll want to move it a bit farther away from the sun’s rays. In colder conditions, one way to help it stay warm is to get rid of the cold water that’s left in its cup and replace it with warmer water. You may consider growing in terra cotta or clay pots because they are heavier, less prone to tipping over and are more attractive. The good dose of orchid bark ensures that the mix doesn’t stay too wet. Plants growing in this medium will rot quickly and not be successful. Guzmania take in water through their central tank and leaves in addition to their roots. Guzmanias, like other bromeliads, get their nutrients from matter which falls on them from plants growing above. Cryptanthus, Guzmania and Vriesia varieties are primarily terrestrial and require a mix with more water holding capacity (WHC). Give them well draining soil in a just big enough container with adequate drainage and they’ll be happy. One quick way to do this is to add pebbles at the bottom of your pot. There’s no need to repot your guzmania because its root system never really grows enough to warrant moving to a larger container. The mix I use for my bromeliads is a combination of pine bark suitable for pots and planters, orchid mix (that has charcoal in it) and a small amount of perlite (either fine or jumbo). The inflorescence of Guzmanias are their most desirable asset; these may be compact heads or elongated spikes resembling fountains. Foliage: varies in shape.Usually quite rigid, often colourful, sometimes with spines on edges. This will eliminate any salt build up on the leaves t… Alternatively, you can also lightly water them through the soil and keep the cup dry during the wintertime. A young bromeliad should flower within two to three years, but some species of bromeliads can take up to six years to flower, so you'll need to have some patience and enjoy their foliage in the meantime. Instead, they cling onto other plants like trees and get their sustenance from the wind, air and debris that fall from the bigger plant. You can also use a 50 / 50 mix of orchid bark and standard potting soil. But, if left in less than ideal temperatures and humidity, you may see your guzmania experience pest infestation. In contrast, terrestrial bromeliads (those that grow in the soil), have root systems closer to common houseplants. Guzmanias like bright, indirect light. Similarly, you can mist its leaves for it to absorb water. Don’t use regular potting soil; it drains too slowly. And, you want to make sure that the thermostat does not go below 60 degrees. Most have shiny dark green leaves and some are colorful. Tropical Bromeliad (Guzmania lingulata major) prefer moderate to high humidity. This ensures that no bacteria can be transferred to the plant’s open wound. Preferably, you should use rainwater or distilled water to fill the tank. Grown indoors, you’ll likely never need to deal with pests. Never put water in the bracts or flowering portion of the plant. The only time you’ll need to prune it is to keep it healthy. Bromeliads are considered either terrestrial (growing on the ground in soil) or epiphytic (growing on trees, rocks or other supports), and Guzmanias are epiphytes. Just as importantly, you may not want to repot them because the mother plant dies after flowering. Guzmania Bromeliad Temperature & Humidity, Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen Anthurium) Plant Care, How to Grow & Care for Calathea Musaica (Goeppertia Kegeljanii), How to Grow & Care for Calathea White Fusion, How to Grow and Care for Calathea Zebrina (Zebra Plant), How to Grow & Care for Anthurium Superbum (Bird’s Nest Anthurium), Growing Dracaena Reflexa (Pleomele) Plants, Red Edged Dracaena Plant Care – Growing Dracaena Marginata (Madagascar Dragon Tree), How to Grow Dracaena Compacta (Dwarf Dracaena), Growing Beautiful Sarah Bernhardt Peony Plants at Home. Creating a potting mix and selecting a container is about trying to provide a similar root environment to the plant’s natural habitat. Bromeliads grow in a wide range of climates and terrains, from the epiphytic Neoregelias clinging to rainforest trees to the massive Puyas growing on the sandy desert floors. Guzmania are fairly typical bromeliads. Guzmania Bromeliad . Bromeliad Potting Soil It is true that you rarely want to use top soil or garden soil for a container plant. Doing this every 1 or 2 months keeps the water from getting dirty and flushes out bacteria. Popular as a striking houseplant with a lifespan of about 2 to 3 years, bromeliad comes with broad, succulent leaves and colorful foliage, flowering only once in its entire lifetime. In cold climates, the plant won’t need as much water. There are specialty soils designed for terrestrial bromeliads, but if you don’t have access to a bromeliad mix, an orchid mix can work equally well. Repotting: Repot annually in spring until the plant fills a 6 in/15 cm pot. The soil of bromeliad plants must remain moist but not wet which can lead to fungal and bacterial problems commonly seen in overwatered plants. Bromeliads in general are not toxic. But, be aware when the temperature starts to cool down. The roots are just to anchor them onto whatever they’re growing on – trees, rocks, etc. Because guzmanias use their roots to cling onto other plants, they’re not as efficient in absorbing nutrients (unlike most plants use their roots). My favorites bromeliads are: neoregelia, aechmea, and guzmania. There are a lot of different types of bromeliads. The Right Soil. Make sure to flush the cup regularly to avoid disease and the build up of minerals found in the water. >> tillandsias. Guzmania bromeliads are tropical plants. Tillandsias are a first cousin to the bromeliads that are mostly grown and are true ‘air … There are over 120 different guzmania plants and all of them are native to South America. Plant type: evergreen flowering plant Height: varies with genus, from less than 10cm to more than 2m. What this means is that you need a potting mix that is loose (lightweight) and easily allows air to pass and water to drain well. Once it hits 55 degrees or lower, your plant will start feeling the stress. This adds enough weight to keep it from falling over. This keeps it from toppling over as it grows. Fertilizer for Guzmanias. This makes them appealing for beginner gardeners and houseplant owners with brown thumbs. Some gravel at the bottom of the container helps. Some are small enough to fit in a fish bowl terrarium, others bigger than a VW bug. Thus, the best places to put them are either facing the east or the west. With the pups, you have a choice of separating them and growing them in individual pots. Bromeliad is a well-known tropical epiphyte plant, growing in the ground and also on other stuff like rainforest trees, logs, rocks, and other plants. It is also why the roots of epiphytic bromeliads are not as well developed as other plants. As with anthuriums, bromeliads are epiphytes. While not poisonous, I’ve found that my dog sometimes vomits stuff she’s not supposed to eat because they get stuck in her tummy or throat. This will help increase them temperature temporarily. Similarly, they will tolerate some low light conditions as well. Bromeliad plants have spectacular flowers which are really “bracts” that stay colorful for 6-10 weeks. Required fields are marked *. Available in white, red, pink, and yellow colors, it is taller than most other bromeliad species. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thus, you don’t need to take extra precautions if you have kids and pets. As such, they are used to warm, humid conditions. Well-drained soil is crucial for healthy bromeliads, so fill the pot ⅓ full with Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix, which is specially formulated for low-water plants. This damages the tender, developing roots. Clay pots dry out more quickly compared to plastic pots but bromeliads have minimal root zone moisture needs, so this added aeration can be an asset. While there’s not need to repot your guzmania bromeliad, go make sure that you put enough weight at the bottom of the pot to keep it from tipping. Both areas give you a lot of bright, natural sunlight. What you need to know about bromeliad Name: bromeliad (family Bromeliaceae, multiple Genera, some of the most well known being Aechmea sp., Guzmania sp., Neoregelia sp., Vriesea sp. And, their life cycle continues. Thus, while the plant’s life cycle seems like a sad one, it does make propagation much easier for you compared to other plants which need to be divided, grown by seed or stem cutting. Instead, this plant, along with most bromeliads rely on the air, wind and debris that fall from trees and other plants from above. So, a good way to feed your guzmania is to spray the fertilizer on its leaves as well as the growing medium. Its threadlike roots attach to the branches in tree canopies or on rocks. Unlike vining plants, you don’t need to worry about trimming back your guzmania bromeliad. The most common ones include mealy bugs, sclae and aphid. In addition to moderately warm conditions, you’ll want to keep the humidity high. Thus, the water can pool and cause the plant to rot. Don’t allow the plant to rock back and forth, or wiggle. Normally I either mix it in a nine litre bucket made up of about 3 1/4 bark, 1 quarter orchid mix and about 2 cups of perlite. Fill the plant’s “tank” but drain frequently as well to prevent stagnant water. Once to three times a year is more than enough. And, because of its bright colored bracts that extend up and outwards, they make for eye-catching displays. The cup in the middle of the plant serves like a “water tank” that allows it to collect what it needs. Our standard epiphytic bromeliad potting mix contains: 50% peat, 30% perlite and 20% fine pine bark. The Guzmania Bromeliad is a unique-looking colorful plant that’s perfect as indoor tabletop or shelf décor. There are numerous varieties of bromeliads to choose from all with different leaf colors and shapes. And, in 2-5 years, the pups will bloom and the life cycle ends then begins all over again. Guzmania lingulata is very similar to orchid in term of caring. The two best tips for success are: make sure the plant is potted adequately so it won't pull over the container and provide ample warmth and humidity. When filling the cup, you want to maintain it at about a quarter full. Some bromeliads are necessarily epiphytic - growing on trees or other places; others are terrestrial - growing in the soil. However, it’s not considered a parasitic plant and does not harm or feed off the host supporting it. Terrestrial Bromeliads like Cryptanthus and others have root systems similar to ‘normal’ plants and like good, loamy potting soil with good drainage and aeration - qualities found in most bagged potting mixes. If you keep your bromeliads indoors, water their central cups or keep the potting soil barely moist. But, depending on where you live you may have to adjust the thermostat and humidity levels to accommodate them. __Guzmania lingulata__: Hardy in USDA zones 10 through 12 and called scarlet star or vase plant, this bromeliad averages around 1 to 2 feet tall. As the main plant begins to die back, it will start to grow pups or plantlets. However, because their leaves are crunchy, your dog or cat may get tempted and chomp on them. Epiphytic species draw moisture primarily from their cup and leaves, so the pot and soil are mostly for anchorage instead of nutrient and moisture retention like terrestrial plants. This reduces soil volume but it is not usually a problem because of compact Bromeliad root structure. This is a relatively low maintenance plant, and can grow as a potted plant or mounted onto ornamental driftwood or stems. Or, you can let them grow together. Bromeliad Guzmania Plant Guzmania plants are perennial plants in the bromeliad family. … Although they don’t need a lot of it. This allows it to get light exposure without being directly hit by the harsh rays. Thus, this setup allows their roots to be exposed. Fill the pot with a mix of 1/2 potting soil & 1/2 orchid bark. So, during the fall and winter, it’s a good ideal to use less water. Keep water in the bromeliad’s tank, the space where the leaves meet and form a cup toward the base of the plant. For these varieties we use: 70% peat and 30% perlite. Any container that isn’t too big with adequate drainage will do. Similarly, keeping the temperature above 80 degrees for long periods of time will keep them from growing at their best. The good news is she kind of lives on as she sprouts pups at the base of her stem. You can also mount epiphytes on trees or other structures, which we will cover in a future article. Soil: Guzmania lingulata prefers bromeliad or orchid potting soil. Some like high light, others need deep shade. So, it’s a good idea to add extra weight on the bottom to balance out the top side of the plant. Gardeners should be aware of the following characteristic … They’re in the same family as Spanish moss and pineapples. Water to keep soil moist in spring and summer, the growing period. Guzmania’s let you mix things up get a good rotation of color with all the flower shades and colors at your disposal. Allow soil to dry to two inches down between watering. Your email address will not be published. Inside, however, the plant requires a mixture of one part soil to one part pumice or bark to thrive. The ideal temperature for growing guzmanias is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They hold … If the plant is exposed to cold, dump out the central cup and refill with warmer water at the first available opportunity. It does this using its leaves. The most common variety of bromeliads, the flowering guzmania (Guzmania spp. In addition to being beautiful to look at, they are also easy to grow. Once the pups get to a few inches, the mother plant will almost be out of life. This means in their native environment, they don’t grow in soil. In indoor settings, this plant needs high light, dry soil, medium relative humidity, and the central vase kept full of water. Avoid using dirt from your yard - it typically holds far too much water and too little air. Allow the soil to dry completely after watering. For miniatures (plants 7” tall or less) and offsets, we use 4” azalea pots, which are more shallow than a standard pot. When you do so, make sure to use a pair of sterilized scissors. Terrestrial bromeliads (those that grow on the ground) often require a growing media which can either be soil or a soilless potting mix.Ensure that the soil/mix has good drainage for your bromeliads to thrive. You can use 50% orchid bark and 50% coco coir or peat moss. These grow up to become mature bromeliads. When it comes to watering, your main duty is to place filtered or distilled water in the central cup. Because they’re not growing in soil, whatever moisture they get just washes off. However, the biggest problem with humidity for most homes are air conditioning and heaters, both of which blow hot or cold air into room. Soil. Soil: Guzmania lingulata may be grown in two ways in nature. This feature makes bromeliads different from most other plants. It is too dense and does not allow for proper drainage. Just use cotton with rubbing alcohol to clean the blade. Epiphytic Bromeliads have a compact root system primarily for anchorage rather than moisture and nutrient uptake and retention. Bromeliads such as Cryptanthus and Dyckia need a soil that drains well, but also holds some moisture between watering. Bromeliads are great plants for any garden, especially if you live in the sub tropics. The Guzmania genus has more than 150 species and nearly all are tank-forming. Watering Potted or Garden Bromeliads Collect rainwater to water your bromeliad plant, if possible. Terrestrial Bromeliads are generally larger and have root systems similar to other more common plants which have greater soil volume and moisture requirements. From here, you can care for them as you did the parent plant. ( spring & summer ), etc if you had hard water, use a /! Base makes it top heavy may get tempted and chomp on them from plants growing in terra or... 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