Scripts can be plain text or compiled scripts. AppleScript Maker Beta: Hey Everyone, I am working on a new AppleScript tool that is going to BLOW YOUR MIND! I am trying to control google sheets and skip sheets using keycode 125 {command down, shift down, function down} and it hasn't worked once. One exampl… Now we input this code into our Applescript editor: Just like above we need to figure out which instance of the Name to use in order to fill out the middle “num” value in our function. Is it possible to use more than 2 modifiers at a time? These will open the app we want and type they keyboard (shortcut) we want. The following types are available; press (simulate a keypress) file (open a file) shell (perform a shell command) down (simulate a key down) up (simulate a key up) processOSX (send keys to a process on mac via AppleScript) Example key … Now double-click to the right of the Service name. Where you might expect an AppleScript for loop to iterate over a list, you use the AppleScript repeat with syntax: set myList to {"Hello", "Goodbye", "I must be going"} repeat with theItem in myList say theItem end repeat If you want to repeat an AppleScript loop a number of times, you can use the AppleScript repeat n times syntax: When run on the command-line in a Bash shell, or used in AppleScript’s do shell script command, the program detects whether no mouse button is pressed down, the left mouse button is pressed down, or the right mouse button is pressed down. ... - When I HOLD button 4 and SCROLL DOWN button 3, I want to decrease volume. You can run an AutoIt script from a command prompt, so you can invoke it via the system.callSystem() method as well. In a previous tutorial we covered how to use AppleScript to fill out text forms on a webpage. Try it out in AppleScript Editor. Using Applescript to simulate keypresses can prove handy when doing automation. Check the AppleScript document for other properties of the “event” class that may be useful to you, including booleans (true/false values) for things like: “command key down” “option key down” and “shift key down.” You’ll send an object to the listener. Though AppleScript itself has a wide range of commands that can be applied to any program or item in OS X, the developers of each application are tasked with adding full AppleScript support to their apps. You can assign your new Service a keyboard shortcut under System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Services; it should be listed under the General section. Now open Automator and make a new Service. In the right window scroll down until you find your newly created service. You can enter regular text with: Any idea how to send a key code with javascript? One of the common reasons why the arrow keys don’t work in Excel is because … Your instructions on using Services to assign a key to an AppleScript allowed me to set up a key to eject an external DVD drive (I’m on a 2012 iMac, so no internal drive!). Rcpagan April 24, 2013 at 1:03 pm # . Definitely not doable in ExtendScript.